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Editor's Pick

Jeffrey A. Singer Casual readers might misinterpret reports of yesterday’s decision by the federal Canadian government to make it illegal to consume illicit drugs...

Editor's Pick

Jeffrey A. Singer The iron law of prohibition—the harder the law enforcement, the harder the drug—is the reason why, in recent years, fentanyl has...

Editor's Pick

Bryan Caplan If you read the endnotes for Build, Baby, Build, you’ll learn about all of the papers I could find on the connection between...

Editor's Pick

Jeffrey Miron and Jacob Winter Occupational licensing — for doctors, lawyers, plumbers, barbers, and innumerable other trades — claims to improve service quality. Much...

Editor's Pick

Patrick G. Eddington One point I always make when talking about national security issues, and especially those involving surveillance powers, is this: when in doubt,...

Editor's Pick

Patrick G. Eddington In 24 hours, we’ve gone from former President Donald Trump demanding “KILL FISA” to Trump apparently working out a deal with House Speaker...

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