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Did startup Flow Computing just make CPUs 100x faster? Here’s the white paper and FAQs

A white tile representative of a computer chip above a shiny silver metal surface that the chip appears to have been milled out of
Image: Flow Computing

Flow Computing is making a tough to believe claim: it says it can 100x the performance of any CPU by shifting work to a special parallel processing unit (PPU) inside or outside the chip. And, it claims, it can double the performance of any existing computing code overnight, even if programmers don’t lift a finger to optimize for its new tech. The PPU could even fit into phones and watches, it says, dramatically improving their performance and battery life by offloading work from the CPU.

But the company can’t quite show any of that today — because Flow hasn’t built a chip and doesn’t necessarily intend to build one, its co-founders tell The Verge.

The company is a spinoff of the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, and it’s…

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