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Elon Musk’s xAI is working on making Grok multimodal

Elon Musk grins in a photo illustration, lifting his arms over his head triumphantly
Illustration by Kristen Radtke / The Verge; Getty Images

Elon Musk’s AI company, xAI, is making progress on adding multimodal inputs to its Grok chatbot, according to public developer documents. What this means is that, soon, users may be able to upload photos to Grok and receive text-based answers.

This was first teased in a blog post last month from xAI which said Grok-1.5V will offer “multimodal models in a number of domains.” The latest update to the developer documents appear to show progress on shipping a new model.

In the developer documents, a sample Python script demonstrates how developers can use the xAI software development kit library to generate a response based on both text and images. This script reads an image file, sets up a text prompt, and uses the xAI SDK to generate a…

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